ASPA Engineering designs, delivers and builds fire extinguishing systems of different types – by water, by foam, by water fog by inert gases etc. All the systems conform to ISO 14520.
Fire extinguishing systems by water
Automatic sprinkler systems are extremely reliable and safe to the people in vicinity. They react as soon as the fire emerges and extinguish it so that they do not harm people allowing them to leave safe the danger zone. They should be installed inside buildings or where the water cannot freeze.
Applications: offices, industrial/ commercial objects, apartment buildings, public buildings, hotels etc.
Fire extinguishing systems by foam
Fire extinguishing systems by foam are efficient in zones with increased fire danger. ИнIn many production premises there is an increased fire danger. The systems working with fire extinguishing foam are ideal for fire extinguishing class B ( flammable liquids) in areas with increased fire danger – reservoirs, refineries, chemical plants.
Fire extinguishing systems by water fog
Fire extinguishing systems on water fog cause minimum damages after fire extinguishment. The water fog equipment optimizes the quantity of water used for the fire extinguishment. Therefore the damages thereafter are smaller in comparison with the ordinary sprinkler installations. These systems fight fires class A, B and C quickly and effectively without risk of secondary ignition.
Fire extinguishing systems on inert gases
Fire extinguishing systems on inert gases fight fires quickly and reliably through dilution of oxygen inside the protection area. Thus the burning process becomes impossible and in the same time they absorb heat by releasing the extinguishing substance. They are suitable for protection of zones with presence of people and electronic equipment. They do not damage the equipment and do not create risk of short circuit or other electric emergencies. Besides they do not contaminate the room and the environment during fire extinguishment.
Applications: Computer equipped rooms and areas, telecommunication and electrical equipment rooms, museums libraries and other buildings with valuable property.
Fire extinguishing systems on Fluor-hydrocarbons
Fire extinguishing systems on Fluor-hydrocarbons- highly effective extinguish the fire within 10 seconds. They are suitable for rooms with ceiling height up to 7,5 m and very low temperatures – up to –40 оС thanks to the very low boiling point of extinguishing agent FE-13. These systems are also extremely safe to people, electrical and electronic equipment.
Applications: Production premises, refineries, telecommunication and electrical equipment rooms, machine control rooms, warehouses without heating in winter.