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What we do

Renewable energy / Photovoltaic electrical stations

Photovoltaic installations are the green alternative to the growing need of electricity. ASPA Engineering offers a complete solution of photovoltaic modules to the network connection, including monitoring and security.

Here you can get professional solutions for all phases of implementation of your project design and administrative procedures to the construction, installation and maintenance.

We work in partnership with leading international researchers, manufacturers and suppliers of photovoltaic systems.

The complete solution for photovoltaic parks includes:
- Photovoltaic panels
- mono crystalline
- polycrystalline
- Thin

- Stationary structure
- Tracker (tracking the sun)
- PLC controller
- Servo drives
- Low voltage DC

Umbrella boxes
- Inverter substation
- Inverter
- Protect low voltage AC,
- Medium Voltage Devices

Substation network connection
- Quality of energy and measurement revenue