ASPA Engineering Wet Electrostatic Precipitators are a proven method for cleaning gases in applications where scrubbers or bag filters cannot be used for process or economic reasons. We offer a variety of designs to suit a wide range of capacities and cleaning requirements.
Gases are completely saturated before entering the electrostatic field by duct sprays, inlet sprays, or other means. A continuous flow of finely divided water droplets creates an evenly distributed film over the entire collector surface. Solid particles simultaneously charge and migrate to the collecting surfaces where they are captured by the downward moving film of water. The slurry is collected in a settling tank or thickener where clarified water is recycled back to the precipitator.
Benefits include:
Sub-micron particles can be collected with a high degree of efficiency. Exit grain loadings as low as 2 micrograms/m3 (.001grs/cf ), including condensables, can be achieved.
Continuous spray eliminates or reduces deposit build-up.
Dust resistivity does not affect either the electrostatic field strength or corona current. Therefore, the only two particle parameters to consider are its dielectric constant and size.
Wet Tubular Precipitator (WEP-T)
A relatively new design, the WEP-T provides easy removal of super-fine, sticky liquid or solid particles, from process gas streams. It is constructed with a series of vertical tubes through which the raw gas flows upward. Electrodes are suspended in the center of each tube, which electrostatically charge the particles in the gas. The charged particles are attracted to the walls of the tubes, which are continuously flushed with water. The wash water drains into a sediment tank, the contaminant particles are removed, and the water is then recirculated.
The continuous irrigation of the tubes and electrodes eliminates build-up of sticky particles. Because of its unique design, the WEP-T can be manufactured from inexpensive reinforced plastics. Other advantages include:
1. Excellent collection of particle size ranges below 1 micron
2. Lower energy consumption and operating costs
3. High gas throughput in a compact design
4. Continuous operation without need for redundant equipment or significant maintenance
MikroPul wet electrostatic precipitators are able to handle a class of particles outside the range of conventional precipitators. They can also be used to absorb gaseous pollutants along with particulate matter by using chemical additives in the spray liquor. Applications include: