02/46 00 190

What we do

Pneumatic Conveying / Pneumatic Dust Control


Abington High Vacuum Waste Control System
Efficiently recovers valuable products and collects industrial waste from all areas of the plant, conveying to central location for disposal or further use.


PDC Vent Line Filter
Portable in-line dust collector used when pneumatically filling a silo or receiving tank.


PDC Ashing Filter
Portable in-line dust collector used to deposit fly ash, cement, kiln dust, and other dry powder products into open pits, sludge ponds, or environmental roll-on roll-off boxes, barges and other enclosures.


PDC Barge Dust Collector
Portable dust collector filters air as products are pneumatically conveyed into container vessels.


PDC Product Reclaim Unit
Cleans, unloads, transfers, and reclaims dry powder or abrasive products.


PDC Dust Hood for Mud Hopper
Encloses and maintains a negative draft over hoppers allowing chemical sacks to be safely opened and emptied.